BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:BCAM Members Brunch - Polynucleotides UID:74 DESCRIPTION:Monday 15th April 12.30pm - 13.30pm\n\nRegenerating Skin and Hair with Polynucleotides with Mr George Christopoulos an experienced Plastic Surgeon and Aesthetic Doctor.\n\nThis live webinar will be led by renowned polynucleotide expert Mr George Christopoulos. This must-attend session will go beyond the basics, providing a deeper understanding of the science of polynucleotides. As well as detailing the science behind this innovative regenerative treatment, you’ll discover how they can be used to prime skin prior to other treatments, how to use them in combination and how difficult areas can be successfully treated. \n\nThree key learning outcomes are:\n\n• The clinical research supporting the multiple uses of polynucleotides\n• Injection techniques to optimise results\n• How to effectively use polynucleotides alongside other treatments\n\nThis is a virtual session \n\n \n\n DTSTART:20240415T113000Z DTEND:20240415T123000Z LOCATION:Zoom END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR