BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FACExpo UID:79 DESCRIPTION:FACExpo 2024 will be taking place for a third consecutive year on Saturday 23rd November, in central London. This year we will be welcoming more delegates, speakers and industry partners than evert before! \n\nThe Facial Aesthetics Careers and Education Expo (FACExpo) is the pioneer educational and networking event in non-surgical aesthetics for doctors, dentists, nurses and surgeons. Launched in 2022, we have run two sell-out events over the course of the past two years, with a unique format that is supported by world-leading speakers and injectors.  \n\nThis year, we are excited to be building a core educational programme that abridges enterprise and business, clinical and skin, and the important topics of innovations and the future of aesthetics. This core educational programme is delivered by genuine experts across the professions, with reach across both surgical and non-surgical aesthetics.  \n\nTo book for this event click here\n\n DTSTART:20241123T090000Z DTEND:20241123T170000Z LOCATION:Queen Elizabeth II Centre, Broad Sanctuary, London SW1P 3EE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR