BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:BCAM Regional In-Person Meeting - North West Region UID:82 DESCRIPTION:Monday 15th July - 3.00pm - 6.00pm\n\nWe would like to invite you to attend this free in-person event which will be hosted by\nBCAM Full member Dr Ahmed El Houssieny, Dr Tamara Griffiths,\n\nHydraFacial and the BCAM Professional Services Team for an afternoon of education, news and networking.\n\nAgenda\n\n* Arrival and welcome - 3.00pm\n\n* Introduction by BCAM President - 3.05pm\n\n* HydraFacial presentation - 3.15pm\n\n* BCAM Update and Q&A - 3.45pm\n\n* Education and Regulation - 4.15pm\n\n* Final questions - 4.45pm\n\n*Networking and drinks reception - 5.00pm\n\nClose - 6.00pm\n\nThe event is free of charge and open to BCAM members primarily in the North West region, however we would be delighted for you to invite your non-BCAM colleagues and friends who are also doctors and dentists to the event.\n\n DTSTART:20240715T140000Z DTEND:20240715T170000Z LOCATION:Bank Medispa, 185 Ashley Road, Hale, WA15 9SQ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR