BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:TAMC 2024 UID:86 DESCRIPTION:TAMC 2024, October 3-5 2024, Rovinj, Croatia - Famous experts, exciting lectures, the beauty of Rovinj, fantastic exhibition, incredible social programme...and much more...\n\nJoin us for an unforgettable experience at one of the greatest gatherings in aesthetic medicine - the TAMC congress in Rovinj, Croatia, from October 3-5 2024. Secure your spot by the special price as a BCAM Member. Registrations are available HERE!\n\nThere are many reasons why you don't want to miss out:\n\nYour spot at our highly anticipated sessions, workshops, and networking eventsGain access to cutting-edge insights, trends, and techniques shared by our worldwide leading experts. Stay ahead of the curve with exclusive access to the latest advancements in aesthetic medicine.Connect with peers, mentors, and pioneers in the field. Forge invaluable relationships and collaborate with like-minded professionals from around the globeDon't miss this chance to be part of something extraordinary, because it's not just a congress, it's a TAMC!\n\nOur official website for more details about the registration and accommodation info and more!\n\nSee you in Rovinj!\n\nTAMC\n\n DTSTART:20241003T070000Z DTEND:20241005T160000Z LOCATION:Lone Hotel Rovinj Croatia END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR