BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:BCAM Members Brunch - Compounded Medical Skincare for Enhanced Patient Compliance UID:87 DESCRIPTION:BCAM Brunch With Miriam Martinez Callejas - Compounded Medical Skincare for Enhanced Patient Compliance\n\nMonday 7th October 13:15pm – 14:15pm\n\nCompounded medical skincare involves the customisation of skincare products by a pharmacist to meet the unique needs of individual patients.\n\nSome dermatological conditions require the use of different treatments, which can lead to low patient compliance due to the complexity of the regimen. Through compounding you can combine ingredients into one single dose, avoid allergens and irritants, modify strengths, use different dosage forms and avoid shortages.\n\nWhat you will learn\n\n1. Benefits of compounding in dermatology\n\n2. Basics of most common skin conditions\n\n3. Ingredients and its uses\n\n4. Regulation and safety\n\nThis session is sponsored by Roseway Labs.\n\n DTSTART:20241007T121500Z DTEND:20241007T131500Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR