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Latest News

  1. BCAM Brunch - The Future of Facial Rejuvenation: Combining Emface and Injectables for Optimal Results - 21st January Click here to book

  2. Join BCAM and become part of the leading representative body for Doctors & Dentists practicing Aesthetic Medicine  join here 

  3. Do you require revalidation/appraisal services? Click here for more details 

  4. To search for a clinician in your area, please click here 

  5. BCAM Brunch- Further insights into the implications of non-surgical treatments on future face & neck - 5th February Click here to book

About BCAM

The British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM) exists to advance safe and ethical aesthetic medicine for the benefit of medical practitioners and members of the public. We represent doctors and dentists in a unified manner, protecting their interests, promoting high standards of patient care and working with government to improve regulation in the aesthetic medicine sector.

BCAM was founded in 2001 by some of the pioneers of aesthetic medicine and continues to represent members who are innovators in the field. The College puts patient care at its heart and campaigns for government regulation of aesthetic treatments such as fillers and botulinum toxin (such as Botox, Vistabel, Dysport, Bocouture, and Azzalure) injections.

Our searchable database of BCAM members – all qualified doctors and dentists – provides the public with reassurance that the clinician they choose is a medically-trained expert in the field of aesthetic medicine.