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Body Sculpting

Non-invasive fat removal

Fat removal and body contouring are increasingly popular and many clinics offer non-invasive treatments such as fat freezing, mesotherapy and muscle toning devices alongside more traditional liposuction.

Unlike liposuction, these treatments use methods to reduce fat without the need for surgery. No anaesthetic is required and the treatments generally target smaller areas than liposuction. Recovery time is minimal and patients can generally return to normal activities immediately.

Fat removal/liposuction

Liposuction is a procedure that removes excess fat from specific areas of the body. It is often performed to improve body contour and achieve a more proportionate appearance. It can be on the abdomen, hips, thighs and buttocks.

How does liposuction work?

Small incisions are made in the target area where fat will be removed. A tumescent solution consisting of saline, local anaesthetic and epinephrine is then injected, which helps to numb the area, reduce bleeding and facilitate the fat removal.

A thin tube called a cannula is then used to break up and suction out the excess fat. In recent years, various devices have emerged to complement traditional liposuction including vaser liposuction, laser liposuction, MPX laser and body jet liposuction. There is no robust clinical evidence to suggest any are better or safer than others, and most modern forms of liposuction are considered safe and effective when performed by an expert doctor or surgeon on properly selected patients.

The procedure should only take a few hours and you can return home on the same day.

Who is suitable for treatment?

Patients must have realistic expectations about the outcome of treatments and should be in good physical health. Those who are obese are not suitable for liposuction.

A consultation with a medical professional in which you discuss any conditions you may have, medication you’re on, allergies and other factors will determine if liposuction is right for you.

What results are expected from liposuction?

Results from a liposuction procedure are not immediate but will develop over the coming weeks and months. The treatment can provide significant improvement in body contour and shape, making your treated area more in proportion with the rest of your body.

A healthy well-balanced diet is important in maintaining the results, as well as in ensuring excellent healing.

Does the procedure hurt?

The degree of pain from a liposuction procedure usually depends on the size and number of areas treated. The fluid used in the treatment contains local anaesthetic to reduce discomfort, but you may still feel sensations of movement and pressure.

After liposuction, you may feel sore, swollen and bruised which will take a few weeks to resolve. Compression garments are often recommended, which can be slightly uncomfortable.

Are there any risks associated with liposuction?

Common side effects include swelling, bruising, post-procedure discomfort and leakage from wounds.

More serious risks include infection, irregularities, seromas, haematomas, burns, scars, skin hypersensitivity, numbness, hyperpigmentation and contact dermatitis.

To reduce the chance of experiencing a complication, it is always advised you seek treatment from a medical professional.