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BCAM wellbeing initiative targets pandemic impact identified by doctors’ appraisals

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is now being recorded in doctors’ appraisals and the British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM) has been quick to respond to its members wellbeing needs with a bank of support resources.

As a Designated Body, BCAM carries out appraisals for its members on the L2P platform which has introduced a specific question about the effects of the pandemic. Doctors are asked to assess the personal impact of COVID-19 on a scale of 1-10, and BCAM appraisers noticed many of the responses were towards the lower end of the scale.

Dr Paul Myers, the BCAM trustee responsible for revalidation and appraisals, said: “There are many ways in which doctors can find themselves under particular stress or difficulty due to the current situation.

“This can include the stress of having to deal with COVID patients, having financial problems due to reduced workload, or stress in dealing with difficulties with introducing new infection-control processes into their practices, but these can all be discussed freely under this section.

“BCAM has gone a step further by recognising the additional pressure its members are under and providing a variety of resources that they can access, from videos about happiness to mindfulness exercises.”

BCAM company secretary Dr Philip Dobson, who is also an appraiser, said: “Due to the health emergency there has been a change of focus with appraisals over the past year and we now look more at supporting doctors and helping them reflect on their work. This includes an emphasis on their personal and professional wellbeing.

“It has been an incredibly stressful time for anyone working in the medical profession during the pandemic and BCAM is doing all it can to offer support to its members.”

BCAM launched its 20TH ANNIVERSARY MINDFULNESS AND WELLBEING INITIATIVE on 5 March with a live lunchtime Zoom session for members delivered by Ruth Ormston, Deputy Director of The Mindfulness Initiative.

Ruth explained the principles of mindfulness and led a short interactive session for members to take away and practice at home. The Mindfulness Initiative is the world’s first policy institute that advises international administrations on incorporating mindfulness into their culture.

Her presentation is available to BCAM members on the College’s website alongside other resources including a mindfulness video from internationally-renown aesthetic doctor Shino Bay and two presentations on happiness by BCAM appraiser Dr Sam Robson. The website also contains links to useful online materials.

The initiative continues throughout 2021, BCAM’s 20th anniversary year, and two more live presentations on stress management and how to thrive at work post COVID are scheduled in May and July.

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