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Latest News

  1. BCAM Brunch - Do We Really Need So Many Toxins? With David Eccleston - 18th March - Click here to book

  2. BCAM Welcomes New Trustees - Click here to read more

  3. Join BCAM and become part of the leading representative body for Doctors & Dentists practicing Aesthetic Medicine  join here 

  4. Do you require revalidation/appraisal services? Click here for more details 

  5. To search for a clinician in your area, please click here

Member Benefits: Insurance

Enhance Insurance Services is an independent London-based insurance and risk management broker that has worked with BCAM to create an exclusive medical indemnity insurance product for members.

Enhance believes that aesthetic medicine should only be undertaken by registered and licensed medical practitioners. From a risk perspective, Enhance recognises that BCAM represents aesthetic medical practitioners in a unified manner, maintaining standards and practising ethics in aesthetic medicine.

The BCAM Members Insurance Scheme has been specifically designed to ensure that Medical Malpractice Limits comply with BCAM’s best practice requirements. Enhance has also agreed preferential rates with its partner insurers for all BCAM members whilst rewarding the membership group’s exemplary claims history with low policy excesses as standard.

The scheme meets BCAM’s drive to ensure best practice, protecting all members with a minimum limit of medical indemnity insurance of £5,000,000 for non-invasive cosmetic treatments and a limit of £10,000,000 for doctors performing invasive surgical procedures.

What are the exclusive benefits with the BCAM insurance scheme?

Enhance has negotiated a great array of exclusive membership benefits and products for BCAM members. These benefits include:

  • 365 days a year clinical legal advice line.
  • Crisis management and public relations costs.
  • Forensic defence costs following a breach of your network.
  • GMC Fitness to Practice investigation costs and legal expenses.

To find out more please visit the Enhance Insurance website or email